Innocent – The Gang’s Garden

As part of a promotion for Innocent Drinks, Baldscone was asked to develop this online competition experience for kids to explore. Using pack codes from drinks packs, kids can enter three different competitions. This richly animated site has areas for uploading photos, viewing submitted entries, information packs on different seeds and even its own weather system.

From a technical perspective it hooks into a number of databases to enter kids into the various competitions and also uses a few techniques to save user data across various sub-domains.

As this site was a temporary promotion it is no longer live – see here for a video of it on YouTube.

Innocent Facebook FruitPicker Game

Baldscone was recently involved in developing an exciting Facebook Game for Innocent Juices. Games such as Flight Control and Harbour Master on the iPhone/iPad were the inspiration behind this game where the user has to navigate fruit pickers to deliver their fruit without them colliding.

Technically this game uses a custom written 2D vector physics engine to control the Fruit Pickers and line drawing algorithms involving some serious geometry and line smoothing calculations. The game was written with several optimisation techniques and hooks up to a securely encrypted back end over HTTPS and Javascript. Quite a game to work on but so far its proving pretty addictive! how people are scoring over 600 I have no idea – I only ever managed about 180!

The promotion ended but here is a screen capture for prosperity.

Parker Multi Language Brochure Software

Baldscone was asked to produce a multi-language brochure and software browser for cross platform distribution. The brochures can be constructed and published easily using a well thought out authoring system which allows for full localisation of text and images. The software launches software and Adobe PDF documents bundled and distributed via CD-ROM or USB stick.